Iowa state: county pricing & list size for real estate email flyers

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A Real Estate Email Flyer Targeting Tip:

We support selecting agents in any number of counties as shown on this page.

However it is often less expensive and more effective to select agents nearest your listing (5 to 50 miles), as shown on the Bull's Eye Pricing page

Choose one or more counties below to see the price and agent count:

Pricing shown is the incremental cost to add that county to an order. All orders have a $35.00 minimum total order total.

County Approx Agents, Cost Cities
ADAIR county 19001 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Adair, Bridgewater, Fontanelle, Greenfield, Orient
ADAMS county 19003 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Carbon, Corning, Nodaway, Prescott
ALLAMAKEE county 19005 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Dorchester, Harpers Ferry, Lansing, New Albin, Postville, Waterville, Waukon
APPANOOSE county 19007 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Centerville, Cincinnati, Exline, Moravia, Moulton, Mystic, Numa, Plano, Rathbun, Udell, Unionville
AUDUBON county 19009 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Audubon, Brayton, Exira, Gray, Hamlin, Kimballton
BENTON county 19011 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Atkins, Belle Plaine, Blairstown, Garrison, Keystone, Luzerne, Mount Auburn, Newhall, Norway, Shellsburg, Urbana, Van Horne, Vinton, Walford, Watkins
BLACK HAWK county 19013 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Cedar Falls, Dewar, Dunkerton, Elk Run Heights, Elk Run Hgts, Evansdale, Gilbertville, Hudson, La Porte City, Raymond, Voorhies, Washburn, Waterloo
BOONE county 19015 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Beaver, Boone, Boxholm, Luther, Madrid, Ogden, Pilot Mound
BREMER county 19017 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bremer, Denver, Frederika, Janesville, Plainfield, Readlyn, Sumner, Tripoli, Waverly
BUCHANAN county 19019 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Aurora, Brandon, Fairbank, Hazleton, Independence, Jesup, Lamont, Quasqueton, Rowley, Stanley, Winthrop
BUENA VISTA county 19021 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Albert City, Alta, Lakeside, Linn Grove, Marathon, Newell, Rembrandt, Sioux Rapids, Storm Lake, Truesdale
BUTLER county 19023 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Allison, Aplington, Aredale, Austinville, Bristow, Clarksville, Dumont, Greene, Kesley, New Hartford, Parkersburg, Shell Rock
CALHOUN county 19025 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Farnhamville, Jolley, Knierim, Knoke, Lake City, Lohrville, Lytton, Manson, Pomeroy, Rinard, Rockwell City, Somers
CARROLL county 19027 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Arcadia, Breda, Carroll, Coon Rapids, Dedham, Glidden, Halbur, Lanesboro, Lidderdale, Manning, Ralston, Templeton
CASS county 19029 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Anita, Atlantic, Cumberland, Griswold, Lewis, Marne, Massena, Wiota
CEDAR county 19031 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bennett, Clarence, Durant, Lowden, Mechanicsville, Mechanicsvlle, Stanwood, Tipton, West Branch
CERRO GORDO county 19033 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Clear Lake, Dougherty, Mason City, Meservey, Plymouth, Rock Falls, Rockwell, Swaledale, Thornton, Ventura
CHEROKEE county 19035 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Aurelia, Cherokee, Cleghorn, Larrabee, Marcus, Meriden, Quimby, Washta
CHICKASAW county 19037 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Alta Vista, Fredericksbrg, Fredericksburg, Ionia, Lawler, N Washington, Nashua, New Hampton, North Washington
CLARKE county 19039 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Murray, Osceola, Woodburn
CLAY county 19041 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Dickens, Everly, Fostoria, Gillett Grove, Greenville, Peterson, Rossie, Royal, Spencer, Webb
CLAYTON county 19043 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Clayton, Edgewood, Elkader, Elkport, Farmersburg, Garber, Garnavillo, Guttenberg, Littleport, Luana, Marquette, Mc Gregor, Monona, N Buena Vista, North Buena Vista, Saint Olaf, Strawberry Point, Strawberry Pt, Volga
CLINTON county 19045 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Andover, Bryant, Calamus, Camanche, Charlotte, Clinton, De Witt, Delmar, Elwood, Goose Lake, Grand Mound, Lost Nation, Low Moor, Teeds Grove, Toronto, Welton, Wheatland
CRAWFORD county 19047 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Arion, Aspinwall, Charter Oak, Deloit, Denison, Dow City, Kiron, Manilla, Ricketts, Schleswig, Vail, Westside
DALLAS county 19049 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Adel, Booneville, Bouton, Dallas Center, Dawson, De Soto, Dexter, Granger, Linden, Minburn, Perry, Redfield, Van Meter, Waukee, Woodward
DAVIS county 19051 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bloomfield, Drakesville, Floris, Pulaski, West Grove
DECATUR county 19053 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Davis City, Decatur, Garden Grove, Grand River, Lamoni, Leon, Pleasanton, Van Wert, Weldon
DELAWARE county 19055 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Colesburg, Delaware, Delhi, Dundee, Earlville, Greeley, Hopkinton, Manchester, Masonville, Ryan
DES MOINES county 19057 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Burlington, Danville, Mediapolis, Middletown, Sperry, W Burlington, West Burlington, Yarmouth
DICKINSON county 19059 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Arnolds Park, Lake Park, Milford, Okoboji, Orleans, Spirit Lake, Superior, Terril
DUBUQUE county 19061 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Asbury, Bernard, Cascade, Dubuque, Durango, Dyersville, Epworth, Farley, Holy Cross, Luxemburg, New Vienna, Peosta, Sherrill, Worthington, Zwingle
EMMET county 19063 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Armstrong, Dolliver, Estherville, Gruver, Ringsted, Wallingford
FAYETTE county 19065 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Alpha, Arlington, Auburn Douglas, Clermont, Douglas, Eldorado, Elgin, Fayette, Hawkeye, Jackson Jct, Jackson Junction, Maynard, Oelwein, Oran, Randalia, Saint Lucas, Wadena, Waucoma, West Union, Westgate
FLOYD county 19067 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Charles City, Colwell, Floyd, Marble Rock, Nora Springs, Rockford, Rudd
FRANKLIN county 19069 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Alexander, Bradford, Chapin, Coulter, Geneva, Hampton, Hansell, Latimer, Popejoy, Sheffield
FREMONT county 19071 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bartlett, Farragut, Hamburg, Imogene, Percival, Randolph, Riverton, Sidney, Tabor, Thurman
GREENE county 19073 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Churdan, Cooper, Dana, Grand Jct, Grand Junction, Jefferson, Paton, Rippey, Scranton
GRUNDY county 19075 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Beaman, Conrad, Dike, Grundy Center, Holland, Morrison, Reinbeck, Stout, Wellsburg
GUTHRIE county 19077 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bagley, Bayard, Casey, Guthrie Center, Guthrie Ctr, Jamaica, Menlo, Panora, Stuart, Yale
HAMILTON county 19079 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Blairsburg, Ellsworth, Jewell, Kamrar, Randall, Stanhope, Stratford, Webster City, Williams
HANCOCK county 19081 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Britt, Corwith, Crystal Lake, Garner, Goodell, Kanawha, Klemme, Woden
HARDIN county 19083 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Ackley, Alden, Buckeye, Eldora, Garden City, Gifford, Hubbard, Iowa Falls, New Providence, New Providnce, Radcliffe, Steamboat Rk, Steamboat Rock, Union, Whitten
HARRISON county 19085 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Dunlap, Little Sioux, Logan, Magnolia, Missouri Valley, Missouri Vly, Mo Valley, Modale, Mondamin, Persia, Pisgah, Woodbine
HENRY county 19087 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Hillsboro, Lowell, Mount Pleasant, Mount Union, Mt Pleasant, Mt Union, New London, Olds, Rome, Salem, Swedesburg, Wayland, Winfield
HOWARD county 19089 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Chester, Cresco, Elma, Lime Springs, Protivin, Riceville, Saratoga
HUMBOLDT county 19091 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bode, Bradgate, Dakota City, Hardy, Humboldt, Livermore, Ottosen, Renwick, Rutland, Thor
IDA county 19093 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Arthur, Battle Creek, Galva, Holstein, Ida Grove
IOWA county 19095 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Amana, Conroy, Homestead, Ladora, Marengo, Middle, Middle Amana, Millersburg, North English, Parnell, South Amana, Victor, West Amana, Williamsburg
JACKSON county 19097 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Andrew, Baldwin, Bellevue, Green Island, La Motte, Maquoketa, Miles, Monmouth, Preston, Sabula, Saint Donatus, Spragueville, Springbrook
JASPER county 19099 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Baxter, Colfax, Ira, Kellogg, Killduff, Lynnville, Mingo, Monroe, Newton, Prairie City, Reasnor, Sully
JEFFERSON county 19101 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Batavia, Fairfield, Libertyville, Lockridge, Maharishi Vedic City, Packwood, Vedic City
JOHNSON county 19103 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Coralville, Hills, Iowa City, Lone Tree, North Liberty, Oakdale, Oxford, Shueyville, Solon, Swisher, Tiffin
JONES county 19105 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Anamosa, Center Jct, Center Junction, Hale, Langworthy, Martelle, Monticello, Morley, Olin, Onslow, Oxford Jct, Oxford Junction, Scotch Grove, Wyoming
KEOKUK county 19107 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Delta, Gibson, Harper, Hayesville, Hedrick, Keota, Keswick, Kinross, Martinsburg, Ollie, Richland, Rubio, Sigourney, South English, Thornburg, Webster, What Cheer
KOSSUTH county 19109 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Algona, Bancroft, Burt, Fenton, Lakota, Ledyard, Lone Rock, Lu Verne, Swea City, Titonka, Wesley, Whittemore
LEE county 19111 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Argyle, Denmark, Donnellson, Fort Madison, Houghton, Keokuk, Montrose, Pilot Grove, Saint Paul, West Point, Wever
LINN county 19113 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Alburnett, Bertram, Cedar Rapids, Center Point, Central City, Coggon, Ely, Fairfax, Hiawatha, Lisbon, Marion, Mount Vernon, Palo, Prairieburg, Robins, Springville, Toddville, Troy Mills, Viola, Walker, Whittier
LOUISA county 19115 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Columbus City, Columbus Jct, Columbus Junction, Grandview, Letts, Morning Sun, Oakville, Wapello
LUCAS county 19117 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Chariton, Derby, Lucas, Russell, Williamson
LYON county 19119 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Alvord, Doon, George, Inwood, Larchwood, Lester, Little Rock, Rock Rapids
MADISON county 19121 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bevington, Earlham, East Peru, Macksburg, Patterson, Peru, Saint Charles, Truro, Winterset
MAHASKA county 19123 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Barnes City, Beacon, Cedar, Fremont, Keomah Village, Keomah Vlg, Leighton, New Sharon, Oskaloosa, Rose Hill, Taintor, University Park, University Pk
MARION county 19125 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bussey, Columbia, Dallas, Hamilton, Harvey, Knoxville, Melcher, Melcher Dal, Melcher Dallas, Otley, Pella, Pershing, Pleasantville, Swan, Tracy
MARSHALL county 19127 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Albion, Clemons, Ferguson, Gilman, Harvester, Haverhill, Laurel, Le Grand, Liscomb, Marshalltown, Melbourne, Rhodes, Saint Anthony, State Center
MILLS county 19129 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Emerson, Glenwood, Hastings, Henderson, Malvern, Mineola, Pacific Jct, Pacific Junction, Silver City
MITCHELL county 19131 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Carpenter, Little Cedar, Mc Intire, Mitchell, Orchard, Osage, Saint Ansgar, Stacyville, Toeterville
MONONA county 19133 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Blencoe, Castana, Mapleton, Moorhead, Onawa, Rodney, Soldier, Turin, Ute, Whiting
MONROE county 19135 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Albia, Hiteman, Lovilia, Melrose
MONTGOMERY county 19137 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Elliott, Grant, Red Oak, Stanton, Villisca
MUSCATINE county 19139 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Atalissa, Conesville, Fruitland, Montpelier, Moscow, Muscatine, Nichols, Stockton, West Liberty, Wilton
OBRIEN county 19141 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Archer, Calumet, Hartley, Paullina, Primghar, Sanborn, Sheldon, Sutherland
OSCEOLA county 19143 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Allendorf, Ashton, Harris, May City, Melvin, Ocheyedan, Sibley
PAGE county 19145 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Blanchard, Braddyville, Clarinda, Coin, College Sprgs, College Springs, Essex, Northboro, Shambaugh, Shenandoah, Yorktown
PALO ALTO county 19147 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Ayrshire, Curlew, Cylinder, Emmetsburg, Graettinger, Mallard, Ruthven, West Bend
PLYMOUTH county 19149 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Akron, Brunsville, Hinton, Kingsley, Le Mars, Merrill, Oyens, Remsen, Struble, Westfield
POCAHONTAS county 19151 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Fonda, Gilmore City, Havelock, Laurens, Palmer, Plover, Pocahontas, Rolfe, Varina
POLK county 19153 $15.00
approx 1200 agents
including cities: Alleman, Altoona, Ankeny, Beaverdale, Berwick, Bondurant, Boone, Clive, Des Moines, Elkhart, Grimes, Johnston, Mitchellville, Pleasant Hill, Polk City, Runnells, Sheldahl, Urbandale, W Des Moines, Wdm, West Des Moines, Windsor Heights, Windsor Hts
POTTAWATTAMIE county 19155 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Avoca, Carson, Carter Lake, Council Blfs, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Hancock, Honey Creek, Macedonia, Manawa, Mc Clelland, Minden, Neola, Oakland, Treynor, Underwood, Walnut
POWESHIEK county 19157 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Brooklyn, Deep River, Grinnell, Guernsey, Hartwick, Malcom, Montezuma, Oakland Acres, Searsboro
RINGGOLD county 19159 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Beaconsfield, Benton, Delphos, Diagonal, Ellston, Kellerton, Mount Ayr, Redding, Tingley
SAC county 19161 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Auburn, Carnarvon, Early, Lake View, Nemaha, Odebolt, Sac City, Schaller, Wall Lake, Yetter
SCOTT county 19163 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bettendorf, Big Rock, Blue Grass, Buffalo, Davenport, Dixon, Donahue, Eldridge, Le Claire, Leclaire, Long Grove, Maysville, Mc Causland, New Liberty, Pleasant Valley, Pleasant Vly, Princeton, Riverdale, Walcott
SHELBY county 19165 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Defiance, Earling, Elk Horn, Harlan, Irwin, Kirkman, Panama, Portsmouth, Shelby, Tennant, Westphalia
SIOUX county 19167 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Alton, Boyden, Chatsworth, Granville, Hawarden, Hospers, Hull, Ireton, Matlock, Maurice, Orange City, Rock Valley, Sioux Center
STORY county 19169 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Ames, Cambridge, Collins, Colo, Gilbert, Huxley, Kelley, Maxwell, Mc Callsburg, Nevada, Roland, Slater, Story City, Zearing
TAMA county 19171 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Buckingham, Chelsea, Clutier, Dysart, Elberon, Garwin, Gladbrook, Green Mountain, Green Mtn, Lincoln, Montour, Tama, Toledo, Traer, Vining
TAYLOR county 19173 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Bedford, Blockton, Clearfield, Gravity, Kent, Lenox, Maloy, New Market, Sharpsburg
UNION county 19175 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Afton, Arispe, Creston, Cromwell, Lorimor, Shannon City, Thayer
VAN BUREN county 19177 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Birmingham, Bonaparte, Cantril, Douds, Farmington, Keosauqua, Milton, Mount Sterling, Mt Sterling, Selma, Stockport
WAPELLO county 19179 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Agency, Blakesburg, Chillicothe, Eddyville, Eldon, Kirkville, Ottumwa
WARREN county 19181 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Ackworth, Carlisle, Churchville, Cumming, Hartford, Indianola, Lacona, Liberty Center, Liberty Ctr, Martensdale, Milo, New Virginia, Norwalk, Prole, Saint Marys, Spring Hill, W Des Moines, Wdm, West Des Moines
WASHINGTON county 19183 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Ainsworth, Brighton, Crawfordsville, Crawfordsvlle, Kalona, Riverside, Washington, Wellman, West Chester
WAYNE county 19185 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Allerton, Clio, Corydon, Humeston, Lineville, Millerton, Promise City, Sewal, Seymour
WEBSTER county 19187 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Badger, Barnum, Burnside, Callender, Clare, Dayton, Duncombe, Fort Dodge, Gowrie, Harcourt, Lehigh, Moorland, Otho, Vincent
WINNEBAGO county 19189 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Buffalo Center, Buffalo Ctr, Forest City, Lake Mills, Leland, Rake, Scarville, Thompson
WINNESHIEK county 19191 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Burr Oak, Calmar, Castalia, Decorah, Festina, Fort Atkinson, Highlandville, Ossian, Ridgeway, Spillville
WOODBURY county 19193 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Anthon, Bronson, Climbing Hill, Correctionville, Correctionvle, Cushing, Danbury, Hornick, Lawton, Moville, Oto, Pierson, Salix, Sergeant Blf, Sergeant Bluff, Sioux City, Sloan, Smithland
WORTH county 19195 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Fertile, Grafton, Hanlontown, Joice, Kensett, Manly, Northwood
WRIGHT county 19197 < 500 agents ~ $5.00 ADD-ON* including cities: Belmond, Clarion, Dows, Eagle Grove, Galt, Goldfield, Rowan, Woolstock

* ADD-ONs are counties with less than 500 agents, so the incremental cost to add them to an order is very small. The usual minimum order size $35.00 still applies, so if selecting a small county you might as well select more than one county.