Welcome to your "My MondoFlyers" Customer Portal

You are not signed-in.

  • No "login" is needed. Each flyer you create has a unique "Flyer Control Panel bookmark" link that we email to you when you (or your assistant) create a flyer, and in every subsequent email we send you regarding your flyer.
  • To return to your flyer click the "Flyer Control Panel bookmark" link that was emailed to you. That will sign you in and show you the current status of your flyer.
  • To see your delivery report check the delivery report email that is sent to you 4 hours after your flyer is emailed. However if you discarded that email you can also see your delivery report by clicking the "Flyer Control Panel bookmark" link that was emailed to you.

As always, if you need assistance, please contact our support dept as decribed on the Support menu item above.

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